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3 exhibitions for a summer of culture

2024-06-10 22:39

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Places, Museums, palazzo strozzi, mudec, show, florence, guide, picasso, monet, milan, padua,

people at the museum

Between contemporary installations and timeless works of art, here are three recommended ones that we invite you to visit as soon as possible!

3 unmissable exhibitions for a summer of culture

These first months of the year have been very rich in terms of exhibitions and shows, and some of them are about to close in the summer months. Between contemporary installations and timeless works of art, here are 3 recommended ones that we invite you to visit as soon as possible!

The Metamorphosis of the Figure. Picasso


Perhaps not everyone knows that Picasso's atelier was full of African sculptures and masks, which inspired him to invent an entirely new artistic language. Until 30 June, Mudec in Milan delights us with an exhibition that recounts precisely the relationship between Picasso and African art, following the evolution of his style step by step. The exhibition consists of a nucleus of paintings, drawings and sculptures from major European museums dedicated to the artist, together with artefacts of African art. There is also a focus on the genesis of the revolutionary masterpiece Les demoiselles d'Avignon from 1907.

Like fallen angels. Anselm Kiefer

Anselm Kiefer

Angels cast out of paradise are the trajectories of an exciting journey of allegories, shapes and figures. Anselm Kiefer, one of the most important contemporary artists of our century, offers us until 21 July a true immersion in his works. A complete introspection to discover photographs, sculptures, paintings, but also monumental site-specific installations, conceived precisely for the courtyard of Palazzo Strozzi, following the Anish Kapoor exhibition we told you about here.



A journey through the paintings of the master of light, discovering the transformations of his style over the decades. At the Centro Culturale Altinate San Gaetano in Padua it will be possible, until 14 July (and not until the 21st as indicated on the poster), to visit the last stage of the Italian tour dedicated to Monet. With over 50 masterpieces from the Musée Marmottan in Paris, the exhibition unravels among the works most loved by the public, but also those dearest to Monet himself and that he wanted to keep with him until the end in his home in Giverny.


Enjoy your visit!



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