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5 unique places to visit in Verona

2023-11-23 15:31

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Places, Curiosity, five places, Verona, Romeo and Giulietta, Shakespeare, Arena,

5 unique places to visit in Verona

What are five unique places you absolutely must see in Verona? Discover them with our audio guides!

The city of Verona

The name of Verona is indissolubly linked to that of Shakespeare's famous tragedy, which attracts tens of thousands of enthusiasts to the city every year, visiting the house and the tomb of Juliet. But beyond the folklore and the renowned Arena, Verona boasts some unique places that, at least once in a lifetime, should be seen. Here are our top 5 recommendations!

The Arche Scaligere

The courtyard of the Church of Saint Mary the Ancient, chosen as the private chapel of the Scaligeri family, hosts a monumental cemetery with the tombs of some of the main lords of the dynasty. These burials, notable especially for the unique richness of their decorations, are known as the “Scaliger Tombs” or “Arche Scaligere”.

Saint Anastasia's Basilica

It is the largest church in Verona, a treasure of medieval architecture and art. The current construction of this basilica is attributed to the extensive project initiated by the Dominican friars in 1290, precisely at the time when Gothic architecture was beginning to prevail over Romanesque. The facade is still unfinished, while inside, you can admire many valuable elements such as the fifteenth-century floor and the unique holy water stoups...

Bra square

The largest square in the city, featuring at its center the famous Arena of Verona. It has always been the traditional venue for the Saint Lucy Fair, a highly anticipated event held from December 11th to 13th each year. From here, you can catch sight of some of the most representative buildings in Verona, including the Maffeiano Lapidary Museum.

An old museum in Verona

This museum, one of the oldest in Europe, originated and is named after the erudite Veronese Scipione Maffei, who gathered hundreds of ancient inscriptions. Included in the itinerary of the famous Grand Tour, the journey that European aristocracy undertook to explore art and culture, it is remembered with wonder by Goethe, who visited it in 1786.

Ponte Pietra

Built in the 1st century B.C., its peculiar shape is the result of continuous repairs and reconstructions carried out over the centuries due to damage caused by human activities and floods of the Adige River. The left arches are still Roman, while the others were rebuilt in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Unfortunately, the bridge is not the original one, as it was blown up by the Germans on April 24, 1945.

Our recommendations end here for now, but your journey continues on Audiogiro: Verona awaits you!



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