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What can you do with Audiogiro?

2023-04-06 18:05

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Tourists looking at a painting in the image of the article explaining what can be done with Audiogiro

Everything you want to know about the audioguide service offered by Audiogiro, enjoy!

Tourists looking at a painting in the image of the article explaining what can be done with Audiogiro

There are many online audio guide services, some even free. It's true, the internet is full of offers, but they're not always as attractive as they seem. How many times, at least once in your life, have you purchased a product that turned out to be poor quality? The worst thing, when it comes to audio guides, is to end up with pre-packaged tours that are overused and maybe even read with unpleasant digital voices. In this sense, Audiogiro was born with a completely different mission: to bring the voices of professional guides to the listener's ear.

Audioguides: only professionals at work

Audiogiro offers a completely new service compared to all the others: it offers its users content produced exclusively by qualified guides, museums or cultural institutions. The intention is precisely to guarantee a higher quality standard than other services, based on the experience of audioguide providers and giving them the opportunity to make themselves known to a wider audience. Each audioguide on the platform, therefore, has not only been created and recorded by industry professionals, but is also accompanied by photos and descriptions provided by them, for an experience that aims to be as immersive as possible for the user. In addition, all tracks are processed by a professional audio editing studio before publication, to ensure a high quality listening experience for the tourist's ear.

The contents: hidden gems

Of course, the choice to collaborate with qualified guides brings another great benefit: to offer listeners a glimpse not only of Italy's most well-known beauties, but also of its hidden ones. Being deeply connected to the territory, our collaborators are able to provide truly unique audio guides, highlighting everything that a tourist could never discover on its own. In addition, with no constraints on the route or purchase of individual audio tracks, the user always has the freedom to choose the places that most pique their curiosity, thanks also to the constant updating of content on the navigation map.

Web app: an all-around experience

Audiogiro works like a websitethere is no need to download any app, which means that the service works not only with smartphones, but also with computers. Therefore, for those who wish, it is possible to navigate the map from desktop, with the possibility of saving or downloading the audio tracks that will make up the stages of a future trip. In this way, the user experience can be comfortably experienced from home and Audiogiro becomes a reference point for all outings, even those that require more complete planning.

Prices: simple top-ups

Audiogiro offers the possibility to listen to several free audioguides, easily identifiable on the map thanks to the navigation filters. In this case, the user can listen to the tracks without logging in.

To listen to the paid tracks, however, opening a user profile is required. The procedure is very simple: just enter a valid email address and choose a password. After registration, the tourist has the opportunity to choose from several minute packages. In this way, the user is not bound to the purchase of a specific itinerary or a single audioguide.

At the moment, there are three options available. The 30-minute top-up, at the cost of €3.99, is recommended for those who prefer a quick tour or do not have much time to spend on the attractions around them. The 60-minute top-up, at the cost of €5.99, is dedicated to those who want to choose what to listen to calmly, with an eye to saving money. Finally, the 120-minute top-up, at the cost of €10.99, is the most advantageous and is designed for those who have decided to thoroughly visit all the stops on a long journey.

Of course, the purchased minutes are valid for all the contents present on the navigation map and are deducted only at the time of their actual use.

User experience: where to start

We always recommend starting from the navigation map, using the search bar or filters to discover the attractions that may be of most interest. Furthermore, before purchasing minutes, the tourist has the possibility to get to know the guides who produced the audioguides. Each of them has a dedicated public profile with a photo, biography, presentation audio, and a list of the tracks produced.

If the user wishes to listen to paid audioguides, they can proceed with registration. Once logged in after confirmation, they can purchase the above-mentioned minute packages within their personal profile and start using the time available as desired. Moreover, in the activity bar, they can always keep their saved or downloaded audioguides, the most interesting places, and their favorite guides at hand.

It is also possible, in addition to the Audiogiro web app, to purchase some of our tours directly on the Viator platform, such as the one curated by Stefano Esposito, a licensed guide of Naples, which includes the most typical attractions of Spaccanapoli, a visit to the MANN (National Archaeological Museum of Naples) and the Sansevero Chapel Museum, with the famous Veiled Christ and Anatomical Machines.

For those who need further assistance, however, our website's FAQs or the contact form to write to us directly are always available.

Now you know everything, so what are you waiting for? Take an Audiogiro!



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