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Audiogiro for Museums

2023-02-21 15:39

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Audiogiro, Museums, audiogiro for museums, museums,

Museum staircase showing the audio tour project for museums

The presentation of Audiogiro For Museums, our service dedicated to museums and cultural institutions.

Museum staircase showing the audio tour project for museums

How many people in the world would like to visit Italy and discover the hidden beauties of cities, palaces, castles, collections... without constraints of time and place? In Italy, there is no inhabited center that does not preserve historical traces, monuments, and landscapes of great interest: on average, there are 34 cultural assets every 100 square kilometers, often too little valued. In this perspective, we have thought and created a platform that allows tourists to experience a new type of experiential journey. Our mission is to promote the idea of a “spread museum”, that is, the relationship between a territory and its artistic, historical, and cultural heritage preserved in museums.

Who collaborates with us

Who better than licensed guides, cultural institutions, museums, and temporary exhibition curators can enhance the territory? Thanks to their audio guides, tourists can experience an immersive experience, as close as possible to a “live” guided tour. The tracks, all geolocated on the navigation map, are accessible both from mobile and desktop, without the need to download any app.

It is therefore possible, for example, to visit a museum structure and then continue outside with the listening of other contents, breaking down the “physical barriers” that traditionally characterize the interiors and exteriors in cultural tourism visits. The user can discover all the audio guides present in the territory, share them, promote them and evaluate them, planning the trip from home and also using them in places without a connection through download.

But not only that: every content creator has a dedicated public profile with a photo, biography, presentation audio, and the list of produced tracks. In this way, we enhance local realities and personalize the user experience even more.

Audiogiro For Museums

As an additional service for museums that wish to become part of our circuit, we have provided a series of additional services, which fall under the name of “Audiogiro For Museums”. They can be requested according to the needs, up to a “turnkey” experience.

The latter case is ideal for all those museum structures that do not feel able to produce audio tracks independently and need support also for the positioning of dedicated signage. Our pilot museum, the Naturalistic Complex of the Oliero Caves, opted for this choice, having not only several indoor exhibition spaces but also a large natural outdoor space full of curiosities to tell.

After a first survey with the scientific curator of the structure and the collection of points of interest for audio tracks, the material for the elaboration of audio guide texts is collected and selected. The recordings are then made in the studio by professional readers, while the graphic team takes care of designing the dedicated signage with QR codes easily accessible to the end user. All texts and audios can also be translated and recorded in other languages, depending on the needs of the structure. Finally, we make our communication channels available for targeted promotion, in order to attract a greater number of visitors.

For all those who wish to collaborate with us without additional services, joining, uploading, and editing audio tracks remain completely free.

You can contact us for advice through our contact form or read more information in the dedicated FAQ on our website



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